
Setup your server within hours

Quickly setup your prefered plan and start your new business.


$2 USD / Monthly

Plan includes

Add memory in your server

Add IPs

$2 USD / Monthly

Plan includes

You can add IP on your server

Add IPs on Anti ddos

$36 USD / Monthly

Plan includes

•You can add 1 IP on your server in Anti ddos zone
•Warning after add IPs, DDoS attack come continuously by added IP, server be canceled

Add / Change HDD

$2 USD / Monthly

Plan includes

You can add HDD
You can change HDD

Add / Change CPU

$2 USD / Monthly

Plan includes

You can add CPU
You can remove CPU added

Add Bandwidth KOREA

$2 USD / Monthly

Plan includes

Bandwidth add on KOR server

Add Bandwidth JAPAN

$2 USD / Monthly

Plan includes

Bandwidth add on JPN server

Add Bandwidth CHINA

$2 USD / Monthly

Plan includes

Bandwidth add on CHN server

Add Bandwidth USA

$2 USD / Monthly

Plan includes

Bandwidth add on USA server

Add Raid controler 512M

$60 USD / Monthly

Plan includes

Add VGA card for e3

$36 USD / Monthly

Plan includes

Change billing cycle:




IP address or order number *

Enter your server's main IP address or order number.


Order Summary

Description Price
Add RAM $2 USD
IP address or order number Free
V.A.T @ 10%   $2 USD
Total Recurring:
$15 USD Monthly

Total Due Today::

$15 USD


Use promotional code

Client Information

Type the characters you can see in the image below

Notes / Additional Information